Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 1, 2018

May 1, 2018

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On the BioMed Pathway: La Jolla High program offers students hands-on career insight

From La Jolla Light: http://www.lajollalight.com/news/education/sd-la-jolla-high-school-biomed-pathway-20180418-htmlstory.html

By Ashley Mackin-Solomon
Contact Reporter

The first group of seniors set to complete the BioMed Pathway program at La Jolla High School are filtering into area labs and research facilities to gain hands-on experience reflective of their advanced biomedical studies.

The Pathway, which has different iterations in a handful of schools, is a four-year commitment wherein students pore over specific fields of medical science, in depth, that piece together at the end of their high school years. The Pathway started three years ago, with a dual class of freshmen/sophomores, some are now seniors.

“The goal, at least for me,” said teacher Rachel Tenenbaum, “is for the students to see that a career in medicine is not just about being doctors, but entering specific fields and being people that support the different medical fields in research and technical capacities. It’s about how to do research and looking at the tools of the biotech industry. I’d love it if my students could leave here and be able to work in a lab during their higher education or have the research techniques to get a job in a lab facility as a research technician.”

Click here to read the entire article.

University City High Teacher Selected To Shape Country's Theater Curriculum

University City High School teacher Matt Moody was one of 12 educators from across the United States selected to help shape the country's theater curriculum. Together with La Jolla Playhouse's Julia Cuppy, the San Diego team will join the Educational Theatre Association to develop a high-quality, meaningful way to teach theater in schools. → Read more about the program.

Student and Parent Input Needed, Tell Us What You Think!

Please complete the below community survey available in several languages by Friday, May 4th.  The Advisory Committee on School Board Member Elections has created a survey to gauge opinion on some of the topics related to the Board of Education elections. 

The San Diego City Council has asked the San Diego Unified School District to propose recommendations to the City Council with potential changes to school board elections. The San Diego Unified School District Elections Advisory Committee has been tasked with gathering community feedback on this issue within in a tight timeline. Click here for background information you may find helpful. 

Muirlands: Heart Safe School

Girl Scout Troop 3803 at Muirlands Middle School is going above and beyond when it comes to a Heart Safe school. Selma Hyytinen, Maggie Johnson, Natalie Saham, Allison Foerster and Amber Watt are using the CPR Kits provided by the American Heart Association and County Supervisor Ron Roberts to get Muirlands the Heart Safe School Accreditation. They have spent the past two years organizing CPR in physical education classes for all 7th graders, coordinating with teachers to also receive CPR training, and finding community partners to assist in teaching CPR. This year they held 3 emergency drills as part of the Accreditation process and have sent in the application. As they move on to High School they plan to take this program district wide to other middle schools during the next 4 years. They recently presented to the District Wellness Committee and to our community partners.

SCPA Featured in KPBS Arts Newsletter

"You In The Arts" highlights people engaging in the arts, like these students from San Diego School for Creative and Performing Arts.

Along with studying theater, music and visual arts, students at this high school learn about using the arts to engage in social activism and community dialogue. These 11th graders from Bridget Persons' English class wrote scripts about important social causes like the Me Too movement and the environment. Their final goal is to find an audience and engage the community through their work.


Proms - Limousine, Party Bus, and Ride Services

From Tom Torlakson
State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Prom season is fast approaching. We would like to take this opportunity to remind school officials of the potential problems that can occur when hiring an unlicensed transportation carrier and encourage that this information be communicated to parents and students. Unlicensed carriers operate illegally; fail to demonstrate compliance with insurance, safety, and driver requirements; and are less likely to operate safe vehicles.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) licenses and regulates limousines, party buses, and app-based ride services such as Uber and Lyft. Licensed transportation providers must carry between $750,000 and $5 million in liability insurance based on the vehicle size, undergo annual vehicle or terminal inspections, and enroll in the Department of Motor Vehicle’s program that notifies the company when a driver accrues an adverse action on his/her driving record. Limousine and party bus drivers are subject to drug and alcohol testing. State laws require a company and its drivers to ensure that minors do not consume alcoholic beverages on board limousines or party buses. The CPUC requires app-based companies to promptly suspend any driver accused of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Drivers of Transportation Network Companies must undergo background checks based on a driver’s Social Security Number, which screens publicly available information for evidence of criminal convictions that prohibit a person from becoming a driver.

While all app-based companies may transport minors, the CPUC requires a company whose primary business is to transport minors to ensure each driver undergoes a fingerprint-based criminal background check performed by the California Department of Justice. Currently, three app-based companies conduct fingerprint-based criminal background checks to transport minors: HopSkyDrive, Dolighful (Kango), and Zum. (The terms of service for Uber and Lyft require an account holder to be 18 years of age and for minors to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.)

While there is no guarantee that a ride with a licensed carrier will be problem-free, parents and students are less likely to encounter problems with a licensed company. Make sure that you receive a written contract for the transportation and check the company’s license (TCP) number, which is required on all advertising at www.cpuc.ca.gov/MoveandRide. You can also call the CPUC Transportation Enforcement Branch at 800-894-9444 and ask to verify a company’s operating authority.

Thank you for helping us to ensure that 2018 is a safe year for our students.

Tom Torlakson
State Superintendent of Public Instruction 


Parents' Guide to Student Success

The National PTA’s Parents' Guide to Student Success provides an overview of what your child will learn by the end of each grade level in mathematics and English language arts/literacy. This guide is based on the new Common Core State Standars and includes the following:
• Ideas for activities to help your child learn at home 
• Topics of discussion for talking to your child’s teacher about his or her academic progress
Click here to download the guide.

SAT Fee Waivers

Did you know that students can access SAT Subject Fee waivers as early as grade 9? This means students in their freshmen year of high school can begin taking SAT subject exams (optional for admission in to most colleges).

Patrick Henry College Fair

On Thursday, March 22, 2018 Patrick Henry High School students participated in a well-organized and successful College Fair that was directed towards STEM Majors.

The students from Pershing Middle and Lewis Middle had an opportunity to participate.


Career Fair Experience at La Jolla High School

On Wednesday April 25, the La Jolla High School counselors hosted a school-wide, day-long career fair experience. Students had the opportunity to listen to a business panel, an environmental science panel, and participate in mock interviews with dozens of volunteers in a speed dating format. Other students Unlocked Their Genius using Thrively, and at lunch dozens of outside organizations and clubs shared information about their organization. This was an incredible event where students got to expand their understanding of available post-secondary options. We thank the LJHS counselors, and volunteers, for all the time and effort they dedicated to this event.

Standley Middle School Career Fair

Standley Middle School’s 2nd Annual Career Fair was be held on April 18, 2018 in the courtyard area of the school.  It consisted of 50+ presenters from a variety of professions.  These professions varied from carpentry, pilot and restaurant owner to TV producer, DNA sequencing and scientific researcher. In addition, University City High teachers and students were there with hands on activities promoting their CTE pathways.  The pathways represented were Biomedical, Child Development and Engineering. 

Crawford Open House Video

Click here to see a video welcoming parents to Crawford's Open House.

Sign Up for a Free Soccer Clinic With FC Barcelona!

Who: Area 1 & Area 5 students ages 6-16
What: Free Area 1 & 5 SDUSD/FC Barcelona Clinic
When: Sunday, May 6, 2018
Time: 9:00am-10:30am (ages 6-11)
10:30am-12:00pm (ages 12-16)
Where: San Diego High School (1405 Park Blvd 92101)

Sign Up Through This Registration Link:  https://fcbarcelonaus.wufoo.com/forms/area-1-5-free-sdusdfc-barcelona-clinic/

*All San Diego Unified School District students are welcome!

Scholarships are available for SD Unified students to attend Sally Ride Science summer academy

Students in the San Diego Unified School District can apply for scholarships to attend hands-on STEAM workshops at this summer’s Sally Ride Science Junior Academy.

The 2018 Junior Academy, from June 25 to July 20 at Mission Bay High School, will offer dozens of innovative STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) classes for middle school and high school students. See a course schedule and register here: https://sallyridescience.ucsd.edu/junior-academy/

The Junior Academy is open to all students entering grades 6 through 12 during the 2018-2019 school year. However, scholarships are reserved for San Diego Unified students. The deadline to apply for scholarships is May 15. Click here to apply:  https://ucsdextension.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dgtVqdMu0AZ59m5.

Applicants will be notified of scholarship decisions by June 1.

“Science and technology continue to play a more significant role in our daily lives than ever before,” said Dr. Ed Abeyta, associate dean for community engagement and director of pre-college and career preparation programs for UC San Diego Extension. “We need to make sure all students are literate in science, math and technology so they can make informed decisions about their lives – their health, their communities and our planet.”

Sally Ride Science, cofounded by America’s first women in space to promote diversity in science education, became part of UC San Diego in 2015 and launched the Junior Academy in 2016. Nearly 400 students took part in the academy’s first year and more than 500 participated in the second year. This summer’s enrollment is expected to be around 1,000.

More than 40 percent of students at this year’s academy will receive scholarship assistance. Scholarship sponsors include the Hellman Foundation, Soroptimist International of San Diego, San Diego Gas & Electric, and San Diego Unified.

Each scholarship covers tuition for a STEAM workshop consisting of one week of half-day sessions. The workshops are held during either the morning or the afternoon session. Separate lineups of workshops are offered for middle school students and high school students.

The 2018 Junior Academy also features new multi-week courses that allow high school students to earn college prep credit. Another new feature is an option to enroll students for early drop-off and late pickup.

New one-week workshops cover a wide variety of engaging STEAM topics, including:
Astrobiology: Students investigate how life persists in extreme environments on Earth and then explore the potential for life beyond our planet.
Android App Design: Students use the MIT App Inventor application to design and code their own apps.
Fractal Poetry: Students write poems that mimic fractals – geometric figures in which each part has the same characteristics as the whole.
Living Structure – Walking Beasts: Students work together to build a fantastical contraption that walks on its own with no motor or batteries.

Also offered will be popular workshops from past academies, including Introduction to Robotics, Space Out!, Messy Science and Culinary Chemistry.

Junior Academy instructors include graduate students from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, undergraduates from UC San Diego, and local artists and science educators. In addition to teaching the material, the instructors serve as role models.

Sally Ride blasted off aboard space shuttle Challenger on June 18, 1983, to become the first American woman – and, at 32, the youngest American – in space. After retiring from NASA, she became a champion of science education.

In 2001, Ride joined with her partner, Tam O’Shaughnessy, and three other friends to found Sally Ride Science. Their goal was to inspire students, especially girls, to study science and to consider careers in science and engineering. Ride died of pancreatic cancer in 2012.

Since joining UC San Diego, Sally Ride Science has been based at UC San Diego Extension. O’Shaughnessy is executive director of Sally Ride Science at UC San Diego.



UCSD Jazz Camp for Musicians!

Jazz Camp at University of California San Diego is a five-day summer program designed for intermediate to advanced level jazz musicians, ages 14–adult. Enrollment is Iimited to a maximum of 60 students, who work directly with our faculty of internationally renowned jazz artists, exploring styles ranging from classic bebop to contemporary open-form. Students receive one-on-one and small group instruction, earning three units of University of California continuing education credit. You can commute to UCSD or participate in the residential program.

Register today!
Application Deadline - May 23, 2018
Camp Instruction - June 25-29, 2018

To find out more visit their website.

Summer STEM Pathways Camp

The Office of Secondary Schools is partnering with UCSD Extension to offer the 4th installment of the Summer STEM Pathways Camp (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) at University of California San Diego, July 31 – August 3, 2018. It is our intent to provide a rich hands on experience, while opening up the world of STEM careers, in an elite college setting. We hope that participants leave this program inspired to strive for excellence in all areas (social and academic), continue their education beyond high school and pursue STEM related career opportunities.

The Summer STEM Pathway camp is a free, four day experience for 50 San Diego Unified College Career Technical Education students on the UCSD campus. Bussing will be provided to UCSD and back daily from targeted high schools according to needs identified through student application. Parents can also drop off students daily at UCSD. The drop off location will be shared upon acceptance. All meals and snacks are provided for the entire camp. The camp consists of 4 modules designed and delivered by UCSD professors that focus on Biological Science, Bioengineering, Computer Science, and Electrical / Computer Engineering. There will be an opportunity August 3rd for parents to attend a closing ceremony and see what your students have done during the camp.

Because spots are extremely limited and we expect high interest, we suggest your students obtain a recommendation from a STEM teacher or teachers, and apply as soon as possible.

Students should: 

  • have > than 2.0 GPA
  • be enrolled in a Health, BioMed, Engineering, computer science or ICT career themed pathway
  • have a high interest in STEM fields, and 
  • commit to attend the camp in its entirety
Priority will be given on a first come first served basis to students with teacher recommendations that meet the criteria listed above. We will also keep a waiting list as there are always spots that open up due to unforeseen circumstances.

Registration Link

Note: Teacher Recommendation Link may only be accessed by district staff logged into their Google Account.

If you have any questions please email Michael Goodbody – mgoodbody@sandi.net


2018 PBL Scholars Paid Summer Internship for Students!

The Office of Secondary Schools announces the 2018 Project Based Learning Scholars paid summer internship for students! We are looking for 10-12 students from around the district interested in supporting the design of interdisciplinary projects as part of the 2018 PBL Institute. Last year, both student participants and teachers at the Institute felt like it was a very valuable experience, and we look forward to welcoming a new cohort of interns! Please distribute the following to your students (need to be 16+ by June 15th and eligible for employment in the U.S. to be considered).

Student applications are due on May 14th, and selected applicants will be informed by May 21st.

Click Here To Download Flyer

Click Here To Download Application

Eric Paredes Save a Life: Free Heart Screening

Free Heart Screening on Sunday May 6 from 9:00am-3:00pm
at Patrick Henry HS.
San Diego, CA – The Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation provides free heart screenings to youth, ages 12-25, in order to detect heart conditions that could lead to Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) occurs when a heart unexpectedly stops beating because of an undetected heart abnormality. To combat this syndrome, that is a leading cause of death under 25 and the #1 killer of student athletes, the Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation is hosting a free heart screening on Sunday, May 6 from 9am to 3pm at Patrick Henry High School (6702 Wandermere Dr., San Diego, CA 92120).  All youth, ages 12-25, are welcome.
Register for the free event at: https://epsavealife.org/register/


2nd Annual Middle School Track Meet

Compete against other middle schools in the San Diego Unified School District. There will be 9 events: the 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 1600 meters, high jump, long jump, and shot put. There will also be a coed 4x100 meter relay and a 4x400 meter relay. Each competing school will be sending their “best” 2 student-athletes in each event. Each student-athlete will be competing against their own grade level between 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Medals will be given to the top 3 in each event.

If you are interested, create a school account by going to https://www.athletic.net/Wizard/AddSchool.aspx. Once you have signed up, email lajollatrack@gmail.com and more instructions will be provided to you about setting up your team for the meet.

For more student opportunities, please visit the Office of Secondary Schools website
Wilson Qualcomm Excursion
Click Here for More Information
AP Chemistry Exam
AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exam
AP Psychology Exam
CPMA Qualcomm Excursion
Click Here for More Information
AP Seminar Exam
AP Spanish Language Exam
AP Art History Exam
AP Physics : Algebra-Based Exam
AP English Literature and Composition Exam
AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam
AP Physics 2: Algebra Based Exam
AP US Government and Politics Exam
AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam
AP Environmental Science Exam
AP German Language and Culture Exam
AP US History Exam
AP Computer Science Principles Exam
AP Biology Exam
AP Music Theory Exam
AP Physics C: Mechanics Exam
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Calculus AB Exam
AP Calculus BC Exam
AP French Language and Culture Exam
AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exam
AP English Language and Composition Exam
AP Italian Language and Culture Exam
AP Macroeconomics Exam
AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam
AP World History Exam
AP Statistics Exam
AP Human Geography Exam
AP Microeconomics Exam
AP European History Exam
AP Latin Exam
CCTE Showcase
Time TBA (Liberty Station)
Memorial Day - No School
For a complete list of upcoming Secondary Schools events visit our on-line calendar or your school's website.

For more information about the Office of Secondary Schools please visit our website at sandi.net/oss