Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February 19, 2019

February 19, 2019


Did You Know That Sleep is the Third Pillar of Health?

In addition to nutrition and physical activity, sleep is fundamental to health. Sleep is the body's way of regenerating itself, clearing out toxins, and solidifying the previous day's learning. Students who get adequate sleep get sick less often and perform better in school. 

Miramar College To Host Career Education Signing Day February 21

On Feb. 6, 2019 thousands of athletes signed letters of intent to continue their athletic careers at colleges all across the United States. On Thursday, Feb. 21, San Diego Miramar College will introduce a new twist to this concept by hosting a Career Education Signing Day for San Diego Unified High School District students wishing to pursue an educational career in fields such as Advanced Transportation Technology, Auto Technology, Biotechnology and Fire Technology. The festivities are set to begin at 9 a.m. in L-105 and run through 2 p.m.

In addition to students pledging their commitment to study at Miramar College, there will be demonstrations and hands on activities for those students who are interested in career technical education.

“National Career Education Signing Day celebrates the life-changing moment when students choose and commit to their future careers,” said Ben Gamboa, associate dean, Strong Workforce Programs at San Diego Miramar College. “Participating students will be individually recognized by their future San Diego employers and college faculty for their dedication to learn in-demand skills for industries like biotechnology, diesel technology, and automotive, among other high-paying fields. These workers of tomorrow will choose an industry-aligned certification program with the potential of financial and employment security earlier in life than their fellow classmates.”

Participants will receive a tour of their career training program, sign a letter-of-intent to attend Miramar College, receive program swag, and enjoy a meet-and-greet with faculty and employers over lunch.

Providing the keynote speech will be Ray Rivera, a diesel technology program graduate who went through the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) apprenticeship program. Rivera is currently employed at MTS as a Quality Assurance Inspector.

Students and parents wishing to attend this event should RSVP at the following Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/miramar-career-education-signing-day-tickets-53874635485?aff=ebdssbdestsearch.

New Way to Earn UC Admissions Science Credit!

University of California finally allows computer science to count towards admissions science requirement.

The University of California has updated its admissions guidelines to allow high school computer science classes to count as a student’s recommended third year of science (UC category D) for admission to the University. The change, which has been over 5 years in the making, will have a seismic impact on computer science in the State of California and beyond.

Previously, the UC considered most computer science courses as electives (UC category G), causing students and high schools to assign lower priority to computer science than to “core” academic categories. Ironically, computer science has counted towards UC core graduation requirements for 95% of Bachelor of Science degrees, but was not similarly recognized in university admissions.

With this change, high school computer science will now be on a similar level as other core academic disciplines, giving California students a new incentive to enroll in computer science classes. This policy will also increase diversity in computer science, because history has shown that when computer science counts towards core academic requirements, young women and underrepresented minorities are more likely to study it.

The impact of this change will be felt beyond California. The UC is the largest public university system in the U.S. to adopt a policy which allows computer science to satisfy a core, non-elective academic requirement for admissions. Because of the size and influence of the UC, we expect other universities will follow suit. 


NGSS Core Leadership Team Takes on San Francisco!

This January, the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) Core Leadership team participated in a training facilitated by WestEd K-12 Alliance in collaboration with the Exploratorium in San Francisco. Our team of 18 teachers and administrators represented the largest district team in the state and joined 7 other CA districts and 2 charter organizations (Aspire, Galt, High Tech High, Kings Canyon, Lakeside, Oakland, Palm Springs, Tracy, and Vista) who have participated in the K-8 NGSS Early Implementation Initiative. They expanded their knowledge and experience with NGSS through inquiry-based activities, collaborative conversations, and hands-on learning in the Exploratorium. They learned about research, processes and structures to take back to their classrooms and to their sites. It was a unique opportunity to collaborate with other science leaders across the state who are leading the charge with NGSS implementation in their districts.

Announcing E2E STEAM Micro-Grant Competition Winners!

The University of San Diego’s Jacobs Institute for Innovation in Education is proud to announce Round 1 micro-grant funding of six STEAM-based projects that are a collaboration between USD faculty and students and San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) teachers and students at the E2E Incubator at Kearny High School. The first round of micro-grants fund the following six projects (up to $3,500 each) taking place during spring semester 2019. As a part of USD's Envision 2024 Strategic Investment commitment, the JI is funding two rounds of micro-grants for collaborative projects between USD students/faculty and SDUSD students/teachers.
  • A Byte of CS TK-2 and A Byte of CS 3-5: Provides hands-on computer science experiences for TK-2nd grade students on coding and hands-on computer science experiences for 3rd-5th grade students on robotics and engineering.
    Awardee: Kearny High School Teacher Shirley Miranda 
  • Biology Poetry Book: Kearny students will write poetry that explains specific biology concepts through artwork and illustrations, publishing both a digital book and a hard copy book.
    Awardee: Kearny High School Teacher Lesli Horowitz
  • IMPACT of Health and Fitness: SDUSD students in the Principles of Biomedical Sciences course work closely with USD Anatomy & Physiology students to help develop science classroom curricula for the SDUSD Physical Education Department .
    Awardee: Kearny High School 9th Grade Teacher Jennifer Ogo
  • Montgomery Wolves / Torero Soccer Engagement: Aims to increase middle school student engagement through soccer and teach best practices in health, fitness, and leadership.
    Awardees: USD Director of Neighborhood & Community Engaged Partnerships at the Mulvaney Center, Maria Silva, and Montgomery Middle School Principal Stephanie Brown
  • STEAM Open House for Family Day of Innovation and Design: The team will organize a STEAM Open House for families of Carson Elementary School for a day of Innovation and Design.
    Awardees: USD faculty and staff members Dr. Perla Myers, Dr. Susie Babka, John Loggins, and Dr. Alex Mejia 
  • Tide Clock Project Aims to establish a straightforward, task-oriented curriculum for students to assemble the parts and load the software to create a tide clock that tracks the tides at a local beach Awardee: USD Science Professor Dr. Drew Talley
The E2E Incubator (Education to Employment) is a space where every student can discover their place in the world. Open to K-12 schools throughout San Diego, the incubator prioritizes access to elementary, middle, and high school students and teachers in Linda Vista and the Kearny Cluster.

BLT STEM Mentoring Program at Kearny High

University of San Diego (USD) Biology Professor, Dr. Laura Rivard, directs the BLT (Big Li'l Toreros) STEM Mentoring Club at USD. This mentoring program connects USD science undergrads with 9th grade advanced biology students from Kearny High School. Kearny students are wearing their BLT shirts to show pride of affiliation with the BLTs. USD’s Jacobs Institute and Dr. Rivard are honored to support this project that helps form college and career pathways for teens in our local community!

Students Speaking Out PSA Video Campaign and the Winner is...

High School students enrolled in CCTE video production courses were challenged with making Public Service Announcement Videos for the Students Speaking Out Campaign. The Integrated Youth Services Division in partnership with San Diego Unified School Police Department and San Diego County Crime Stoppers challenged students to create a 30 second to 1 minute long video to empower young people to use their voices to make our schools and communities safer. We believe that students can make a difference in bringing an end to senseless violence and dangerous activities that interfere with young people achieving their dreams. 24 videos were submitted from five different high schools. A judging committee rated the videos using a rubric to give a total score to each and it ended up in a tie! The judging committee decided to select both videos as winners. These videos will be showcased at the San Diego County Crime Stoppers Enough is Enough Luncheon where our students will be honored. The videos will also air on Cox Communications in the upcoming months.

Congratulations to San Diego High School Students Yazmin Diaz and Eduardo Delgado for producing a video on suicide prevention and to Point Loma High School Student Tim Fraher for producing a video on gun awareness. For more information, contact Katherine Aud (619) 725-7329 or kaud@sandi.net.

The BlueSTEM Career Pathway: Connecting Students to San Diego’s BlueTech Industry

The BlueSTEM Career Pathway: Connecting Students to San Diego’s BlueTech Industry
Written by: Eli Etzioni 

When asked about their careers, many students struggle to answer the question they hear more often than anything else:

“What do you want to do when you grow up?”

A solid answer to this question requires knowledge of oneself as well as an understanding of the outside world, and both can be tough to come by. High school students can end up feeling like they don’t know the possible career options, and if they do know about some of the many potential jobs out there, it is hard for them to gain insight into what it would be like to actually do the jobs they have heard about.

The San Diego Unified School District is partnering with local nonprofit The Maritime Alliance (TMA), the industry association for San Diego’s ocean and water-focused technology companies, to overcome this problem. Their new joint initiative, known as the BlueSTEM Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway, helps students bridge the gap between them and the career opportunities San Diego’s Bluetech industry has to offer.

The BlueSTEM CTE Pathway Program launched in October of 2017 in Pacific Beach Middle School and Mission Bay High School. The program is based around a set of courses that exposes students to marine science early on and uses hands-on projects and work-based learning to help them build the knowledge and relevant skills they will need to become a part of San Diego’s thriving BlueTech sector. In practice, this means that trips to the beach to collect and analyze marine data, guest speakers from the BlueTech industry, and site visits to scientific hubs such as the Scripps Institution of Oceanography are all integrated into BlueSTEM CTE Pathway courses. Since the program’s inception in 2017, over 750 students have taken these courses.

In addition, the BlueSTEM CTE Pathway has exposed students to some of the most important leaders, events, and conversations in all of San Diego’s $14 billion BlueTech industry. As part of the program, a group of Mission Bay students attended Blue Tech Week 2018, TMA’s annual conference that brings together academia, government, and the private sector around the shared goal of sustainably growing the Blue Economy. “Hearing from industry leaders about the process of innovating, failing, designing, and collaborating is priceless and helps our students to see that the workforce is open to anyone who is open-minded and can communicate to reach out and get connected,” said a teacher from Mission Bay High School.

Perhaps even more exciting is that the BlueSTEM CTE Pathway has already enabled some students to become a part of San Diego’s robust BlueTech sector. “Allowing students to meet with real life professionals within the Blue economy has created pathways for kids not only for college but straight into careers directly impacting the local economy,” said another Mission Bay High School spokesperson. In the summer of 2018, the program connected six students in their junior year to BlueSTEM summer internships. One of these students was Robert Huffstutler, from Mission Bay High School, who interned at Training Resources Limited, a provider of maritime training courses. “I chose BlueSTEM to further my knowledge about jobs in the marine field in order to make it easier to choose a job in that field,” said Robert. During his internship, Robert was able to talk to ship captains with decades of experience about what life and work are like at sea. “It made me see that the life of a merchant mariner has room for all people, young or old, just as long as you're capable of doing your job well,” reflected Robert.

Internships like Robert’s “give students the experiences they need in high school, not at 25,” commented Nate Sachdeva, who works on Strategic Partnerships with the Office of Innovation for the San Diego Unified School District. The plan is to dramatically increase the number of BlueSTEM internships offered through the BlueSTEM CTE Pathway in the summer of 2019.

Still less than two years old, the BlueSTEM CTE Pathway is constantly evolving. Pacific Beach Middle School is interested in developing BlueTech design kits, available for checkout from the school library. Future site visits to Scripps, Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute, and the Carlsbad Fish-Breeding Program are in the works. And Mission Bay High School has been talking to The Maritime Alliance about installing fish pools on campus.

The BlueSTEM CTE Pathway connects San Diego’s uniquely strong BlueTech industry to students in a way that is genuinely educational, exciting, and empowering. After going through the program, most students find questions about their careers less daunting, and more answerable.

The BlueSTEM CTE Pathway Program would never have become a reality without the work of San Diego Unified School District Executive Director of School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services, Cheryl Hibbeln, and Michael Jones from The Maritime Alliance. The program is meant to serve as a case study for other school districts, and the hope is that it will scale and be replicated in other schools and districts.

Eli Etzioni is the Development Manager at Urban Surf 4 Kids, a San Diego nonprofit that aims to change the lives of foster and at-risk youth through surf therapy camps and mentorship programs. He also does freelance writing in the BlueTech and Social Impact sectors. He is a recent graduate of Claremont McKenna College.


Movement BE coming this Spring!

The Youth Advocacy team will bring Movement BE Poetry Presentations & Group Sessions to select schools this spring to present the art of poetry and spoken word to help enrich student self-discovery. Youth will embark on a poetic journey culminating with lifelong lessons that help them determine who they want to BE. Contact Ebonee Weathers (eweathers@sandi.net) for more information on the Movement BE program or if you are interested in bringing it to YOUR school! Find your story. Tell your story. Be your story.

The Big Game--PoPPCon Deep Dive

What experiences lead our students to be masters of their own learning? When making the shifts from education being constant practice to making it a “game day” experience we are able to see this happen. Last month, forty educators from across the country toured Hoover, Montgomery, and Kearny EID and DMD to see this practice in action through defenses of learning, exhibitions, and student-led conferences. Students are being assessed in authentic and rigorous ways while being given the opportunity to practice vital social-emotional and essential workplace skills such as persistence, communication, and teamwork. These authentic assessments make learning relevant and build strong relationships between teachers and students. Participants even got to hear from alumni and how these experiences translate into the “real-world.” Truly a transformative experience.

AMPLFYing Student Voice

Both this semester and last semester the students of Hoover ASB have had the opportunity to learn about the power of their student voice through a series workshops; AMPLIFYing. The four pillars of AMPLIFYing, Identity, Leadership, Change Agency and finally Legacy, lead students through the various steps of finding what is important to them and their communities and how to advocate for change. Students also learn about the need for an adaptive leadership style to work through our complex community systems as well as leading with a restorative lens. By the end of the workshops, students have identified a cause, developed a message and carried out an advocacy campaign as well as planned for future action. The Youth Advocacy Department is looking forward to the impact that these lessons will have on the student population and community.

Mission Bay Students Produce Jazz Concert Series

What do these local jazz legends have in common: Gilbert Castellanos, Steph Johnson, Rob Thorsen, Leonard Patton, Peter Sprague, Holly Hofmann, and Robert Dove? They are featured musicians in a new concert series, completely produced and curated by music students at Mission Bay High School.

This “real world” project is a creation of music teacher Jean-Paul Balmat, a former Mission Bay High music student who has returned to teach at his alma mater. Students will learn valuable lessons in how the music business works through hands-on experience in selecting and booking the talent, working with the staff to coordinate concerts, creating a web presence, promotion and graphic art.

Performances are held at at the Inamori Pavilion in the Japanese Friendship Garden in Balboa Park on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Shows will start at 7:00PM and will offer free admission to the Friendship Garden with the purchase of a ticket. A complete line-up of the Japanese Friendship Garden Concert Series can be found at missionbaymusic.com. Tickets can be purchased in advance online or at the front entrance the day of the show. All ages are welcome.

All ticket proceeds will go towards travel expenses for The Mission Bay Preservationists, Mission Bay’s top jazz ensemble, to perform and represent San Diego in its sister city, Yokohama, Japan in April of 2019. The Preservationists took their first trip to Yokohama in April 2017, after they were selected by The San Diego-Yokohama Sister City Society to commemorate the 60th anniversary of sister city relations.


SCPA partners with Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego

CTE Artist in Residence students at SDSCPA are participating in a partnership program with the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego in Downtown. Students will be exploring the practices, processes and emerging technologies that contemporary artists use while engaging in discussions and collaborations with the museum's Gallery Educators. The culminating experience of this partnership entails a student showcase of work inspired by the partnership taking place at the museum in the Jacobs building (1100 & 1001 Kettner Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101) from 5-8pm on May 16 during the organization's signature monthly event, Downtown at Sundown.

Trauma Informed Care at Mission Bay HS

In January, the Children and Youth in Transition Team (CYT) presented a trauma informed practices presentation to the Mission Bay High School staff. The professional development training “Trauma and the Brain” is one of a series of four presentations that the CYT department offers. The presentation focuses on building awareness and shared understanding of trauma. It also highlights how trauma affects the brain, health, cognitive development and behavior of our students. Mission Bay Vice Principal Landau commented “it was a very impactful presentation.” Over twenty school sites in San Diego Unified School District have participated in the professional development series in the 18-19 school year thus far. Interested schools should contact the CYT department to sign up for trainings. The remaining trauma informed practices presentations include: “The Trauma Informed School Site,” “Self-Care for the Educator” and “Mindup Curriculum Implementation.” The professional development trainings are available throughout the 18-19 school year.

Human Trafficking and Internet Safety Community Event

Join us on February 21st at Bell Middle School from 5:00-7:00 PM for this opportunity to learn from professional organizations specializing in human trafficking and internet safety. Learn strategies to: recognize trafficking risk factors, increase public awareness about human trafficking, understand your role as an advocate to support our youth, and develop internet safety skills to keep youth safe from risks like cyberbullying & online predators. For more information or questions, please contact Ebonee Weathers at eweathers@sandi.net or Steffanie Zambrano at szambrano@sandi.net

Reading is Fundamental at Horton Elementary

During Family Friday, every Horton Elementary first grader received a free book provided through the Reading is Fundamental program funded by the Panda Cares Foundation. Each student received a book and a book bag. The students will also have two more reading celebrations where they will receive a free book each time for a total of three books.

The Integrated Youth Services Division coordinated the Reading is Fundamental grant and has arranged for EVERY first grader at 25 San Diego Unified School Sites to receive three free books and a tote bag this year. Thanks to Panda Cares Foundation over 1,700 students will receive books and be encouraged to read everyday. For more information, please contact Katherine Aud at (619) 725-7329 or kaud@sandi.net

Teen Iron Chef with an Extraordinary Lesson

SDHS School of Business and Leadership Culinary Arts students Yasmine Zamudio, Bailey Cook, Michaelangelo Ruiz, and David Cruz worked hard on their refined SoCal menu and brought the Caver heat to the annual Teen Iron Chef Competition. During this competition, each team cooks for an hour and has ten minutes to plate and get their food to the judges. They are required to make two each of the following: Appetizer, main course, and dessert. The competition, put on by the CCTE culinary arts program, hosted Hoover HS, San Diego HS, Madison HS, Mira Mesa HS, Morse HS, and Job Corp at San Diego Community College District Mesa College Campus. Although the SDHS students didn't win this year's competition, they gained much from their experience. "We already won", stated teacher Mr. Rubalcava, "The win doesn't mean first place but rather the teamwork and the relationships that are formed." This is an extraordinary lesson taught by the two culinary arts teachers in San Diego High School School of Business Leadership Culinary Arts Program. Mr. Murphy was selected as this year’s School of Business and Leadership Teacher of the Year and it is well deserved. Mr. Murphy is a wonderful teacher, a skilled chef and photographer. He has built caring relationships with his students and it shows. The other culinary teacher, Mr. Rubalcava, is a former SDHS student but is also a former student of Mr. Murphy and a culinary entrepreneur. The lessons they teach their students go way beyond the classroom and the dishes they create. They are building relationships that will last a lifetime.

February is Children’s Dental Health Month!

February, the month that typically celebrates love and heart health, is also Children’s Dental Health Month! Ideally, a child begins seeing a dentist by their first birthday, but many children do not see a dentist early or regularly. Untreated tooth decay and other dental problems can cause pain, interrupted learning, and missed school days. To ensure young students get off to a good start, California State Law requires all children entering school in kindergarten to have an Oral Health Assessment (dental exam).

SDUSD Nursing & Wellness Department promotes our students’ dental health by partnering with local dental professionals to bring dental care directly into elementary and K-8 schools. Every school is assigned a provider, including Big Smiles, Children’s Dental Health Center, San Ysidro Health Center, La Maestra Health Center, and Dr. Lui (AKA Toothfairy Dental).

Depending on the needs of students, the school nurse will schedule a date for the dental team to visit the school (or utilize the School-Based Health Clinic if they have one). A mobile dental office is set up in a room at the school, and students with parent permission receive dental exams, sealants, and referrals for more extensive care if needed.

A special community event is coming on Saturday, February 23 to provide kids with FREE dental care! At the annual Give Kids a Smile event, Kindergarteners can get a free Oral Health Assessment, and kids ages 1-18 years old can receive free dental screenings, sealants, and fluoride varnish. The services are being offered at various clinics across San Diego County. Refer to the flyer or call 619-692-8858 if you have questions about this free event!


Jumpstart your success at San Diego Mesa College Saturday March 16

Mesa College is thrilled to present Jump Start your Success & Cash In on Community College on Saturday, March 16, 2019, from 8:30am-1:00pm. This is a time that we invite hundreds of prospective students to our campus and showcase what we have to offer and how great we do it! The program will include support services, academics, department resources, clubs, and the lively community feel we create at Mesa. We hope you will spread the word and join the fun!
It’s FREE! Bring your family and friends!
Sign Up Here For questions about the event contact:
Tavaris Franklin l Outreach Department l San Diego Mesa College
P: 619.388.2611 l tfrankli@sdccd.edu


GSA Student Leadership Academy!

The Youth Advocacy Department is excited to announce our upcoming GSA Student Leadership Academy for both middle and high school Gender and Sexuality Alliances. Students will convene to participate in workshops around identity, intersectionality, and advocacy as well as fun performances and a Gender-neutral Restroom Caucus.

High School GSAs will be meeting at Scripps Ranch High School 10:00am-4:00pm on March 8, 2019.

Middle School GSAs will be meeting at CPMA 10:00am-4:00pm on March 15, 2019.


March 14th - 4th Annual HUBU Conference: Empowering Men of Color

The annual Hermanos Unidos/Brothers United (HUBU) Conference was developed to provide an opportunity for young men to discuss strategies to overcome educational and personal challenges.

The HUBU High School conference aims to motivate and inspire students through topics that address real life issues. The event takes place at San Diego City College. Stop by your school's counseling center to sign up.

Mesa College Spring Information Nights March 21 and April 11 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Mesa College invites prospective students and their families to join us at our upcoming Information Nights. We want to meet you and provide you with information that includes:
  • Presentations from the following departments: FINANCIAL AID - EOPS - STAR TRIO - TRANSFER - DSPS - CRUISE - CAREER - STEM CONEXIONES 
  • Learn about the Promise program 
  • Student Panel
For further information or to request disability accommodations, contact: Outreach at 619-388-2230

RSVP here: https://mesainfonight2019.eventbrite.com


College is for Me 2019

The Early Assessment Program (EAP) at CSU San Marcos is proud to announce that we will host our annual, “College Is For Me” Conference on our campus. We have teamed up with Escondido Education COMPACT to bring this free conference to CSU San Marcos.

This conference is scheduled for Saturday, March 16, 2019 from 9 am to 1 pm. The conference is for middle/high school students and their families. The conference will be held in the USU Ballroom and various breakout sessions will be in nearby classrooms. The College Is For Me conference is designed to demystify the inaccessibility of higher education for members of marginalized populations in our society. This conference is an opportunity for people who have never considered college to learn how higher education can be a means for self-empowerment.

You can register for the event by visiting: https://collegeisforme2019.brownpapertickets.com/

For more Information: (760) 750-6060 or eap@csusm.edu


North Island Credit Union Scholarship

North Island Credit Union is proud to offer students throughout San Diego County a $1,000 Scholarship Opportunity recognizing academic excellence. From now until March 21, 2019, high school seniors will have the opportunity to apply online through our website: https://www.ccu.com/educators/school-employees/scholarships-grants/1000-college-scholarship-program. We will select 10 students who, through an essay and letter recommendation, show their outstanding achievements throughout their high school experience.

For more student opportunities, please visit the Office of School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services website
DAC General Meeting
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (Harold J Ballard Parent Center, 2375 Congress St)
Bethune USS Midway Excursion
Click Here for More Information
DELAC General Meeting
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (Harold J Ballard Parent Center, 2375 Congress St)
Give Kids A Smile Event
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM (See Flyer For Locations)
Kindergarteners can get a FREE Oral Health Assessment Screening for school!
Call 619-692-8858 today to schedule an appointment.
Walk-ins welcome, but children with appointments will be given priority.
Lewis USS Midway Excursion
Click Here for More Information
Notification of UC Fall 2019 Admission Decisions Begins
San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering Expo Day
10:000 AM - 5:00 PM (Petco Park)

Deadline for applicants for all terms to submit FAFSA and Cal Grant GPA Verification Form
Bethune USS Midway Excursion
Click Here for More Information
CPMA Vocal Solo Festival 2019
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CPMA Performing Arts Center, 5050 Conrad Ave, San Diego, CA 92117)
CPMA's Vocal Solo Festival, now in its 10th year, showcases the top vocal talent at CPMA. Seating for this special event is General Admission, all seats are $5.00.
Click Here for Tickets
GATE DAC General Meeting
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (Harold J Ballard Parent Center, 2375 Congress St)
Montgomery USS Midway Excursion
Click Here for More Information
JROTC Joint Brigade Cadet Ball
6:00 PM - Midnight (Town and County)
3/19/19- Thursday 3/21/19
CPMA Presents: The Addams Family-Musical
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CPMA Performing Arts Center, 5050 Conrad Ave, San Diego, CA 92117)
The CPMA Advanced Theater class presents its annual Spring Musical, "The Addams Family". "They're creepy and they're kooky...". A great musical for the whole family.
Click Here for Tickets
Roosevelt USS Midway Excursion
Click Here for More Information
Cesar Chavez Day
Notification of fall 2019 admission decisions for freshman applicants is complete
For a complete list of upcoming School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services events visit our on-line calendar or your school's website.

For more information about the Office of School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services please visit our website.