Tuesday, April 9, 2019

April 9, 2019

April 9, 2019


Lincoln High School Maritime Photography Experience

Lincoln High School CTE Photography students experienced the San Diego Maritime Museum through the lens of their cameras this past week. Students spent the morning photographing historic ships and specific nautical details as part of their CTE Photography assignment. The lesson incorporated the elements of art, form, space and composition. Later this spring, students will have the opportunity to enter their best Maritime photographs in the CTE showcase photography competition which takes place on May 22, 2019. 


Trauma-Informed Care Parent Workshop at Porter Elementary School

On Friday, March 15th, the Restorative Justices Practices (RJP) Department and the Children and Youth in Transition (CYT) Department collaborated to deliver a Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Practices presentation to parents at Porter Elementary School. The workshop “Trauma-Informed Practices - Home Connection, Building Awareness” is a new offering for families in our schools that was developed in order to build on the Trauma Informed Care and Restorative Justice Practices professional development offerings for staff by sharing the information and strategies with families.

The presentation, created and facilitated by school counselors Irene Ortega and Patrick Chen, focuses on building awareness and shared understanding of trauma for our parents and guardians. It also highlights how trauma affects the brain, health, behavior, and cognitive development of our students. Participants learned strategies on how to build safety and enhance connections with their children in order to help those affected by trauma practice self-regulation and increase protective factors. Parents and guardians also walked away with strategies and ideas for self-care for their children and for themselves so they are able to model positive and healthy coping skills for their children. After the workshop, many parents and Principal, Graciela Chavez, shared that the training was impactful and more parents could benefit from the training in the future. Porter Elementary was the first school to receive this new offering for families in the San Diego Unified School District and many schools are scheduled to receive this training in the coming months. 


College Board Female Diversity Award for Computer Science Goes to Kearny SCT, Crawford, and San Diego High

Teachers Corri-Anne Burgess at Kearny SCT, Jim Jenkins at Crawford, and Ray Kinne at San Diego Business have earned the first College Board AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for achieving high female representation in AP Computer Science Principles. Out of more than 18,000 schools worldwide that offer AP courses, only 490 schools earned the AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award for AP Computer Science Principles.

The AP Computer Science Principles course launch in 2016 was the largest in College Board history. AP Computer Science Principles has promoted the growth of computer science in high schools by 135% since 2016, broadening STEM career opportunities for more students. San Diego Unified, through the College, Career and Technical Education Department joined this effort in conjunction with UCSD through the CS-CaVE grant, which provided training and support. SDUSD has Information & Communications Techologies (ICT) pathways from middle school to high school, with courses such as Game Design, GIS, Web Design, and Cybersecurity, as well as AP Computer Science A and AP Computer Science Principles.

For more information about AP Computer Science Principles and ICT pathways in our district, please contact Gail Lake in the Office of College, Career, and Technical Education.


PrimeTime Scholars: Opportunities Abound

PrimeTime Scholars, through San Diego Unified School District’s Extended Learning Opportunities Department (ELO), provides students with an opportunity to participate in a five-week program where they build critical thinking skills, self-confidence and decision-making skills through public-private partnerships. The students receive 10 hours of rich and rigorous classroom instruction with a credentialed teacher, four to six hours of outreach and 12 hours of hands on experiences at various museums/programs in San Diego County.

Euclid and Garfield’s PrimeTime Programs took advantage of the opportunity afforded them through these amazing partnerships. Euclid’s third graders collaborated with the Living Coast Discovery Center and the San Diego Zoo while Garfield’s fifth graders worked with the Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA) and the Children’s Museum. In order to share in the excitement PrimeTime Scholars provides to the students, ELO tagged along with Euclid and Garfield’s PrimeTime Programs as they went on one of their many adventures.

Euclid’s third graders visited the San Diego Zoo where educators from the San Diego Zoo spent an hour with students talking about adaptations and provided students an opportunity to engage with some really cool biofacts, a king cheetah pelt, hippo lip, and porcupine quills, to name a few. They then took a guided walking tour of the Zoo looking for different adaptations. Highlights included sitting up close and personal with an orangutan and feeding a giraffe, experiences they will never forget.

Garfield’s fifth graders had an opportunity to visit Irving Penn’s photographic exhibit at the MOPA. A docent provided them with information pertaining to the different periods of Penn’s lifelong photographic journey. In his own words, “A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective.” Students discovered style techniques and then in turn practiced what they learned through using a photo booth as well as making postcards with photos they had taken.

PrimeTime Scholars provides students with opportunities they may otherwise not be afforded and the smiles on their faces as they engage with those they are partnered with is priceless.

SDSU College of Education

SDUSD school counselors had a constructive and collaborative meeting with SDSU’s Dean Chung of the College of Education. We discussed how to increase college awareness and expand college access opportunities for local K-12 students and families.

Morse High School’s Peace March

Morse High School’s One World Club advocated for the end of Hate Speech during their week of consciousness from March 18-22, capping the week off with a school-wide organized Peace March starting at Morse and ending at O’Farrell Middle School. Each year the One World Club chooses one world injustice to raise both awareness and funds, with this being their 13th year with a Week of Consciousness. Over the course of the year they also engage in mini-projects such as starting a school pantry and school supply drive that has now turned into another official school club. Students from Hoover High School’s Student Awareness Club will be in attendance to learn from this inspiring example of Youth/Adult Partnerships to advocate for community change that The Peace March at Morse is offering. The Youth Advocacy department supports this continued work and their advocacy clubs to support these positive Youth/Adult Partnerships in community change.

Hygiene Donations for Students in Need

SDUSD Office of Children and Youth in Transition staff partnered with National Insurance Housing during their yearly conference at the US Grant Hotel to fill hygiene bags for students in need. National Insurance Housing selected to support SDUSD students as part of their annual community project. Over 1,000 hygiene bags were filled containing socks, soap, shampoo, deodorant, and dental products. Bags will be dispensed to school sites for students and families in need throughout the year.

Kimbrough Elem Principal Guest Speaker at One San Diego Neighborhood Experience Event

Principal Hernan Baeza from Kimbrough Elementary School was asked to speak at the VIP reception of the One San Diego Neighborhood Event. Principal Baeza shared with the crowd, including Mayor Kevin Faulconer and Katherine Faulconer the impact of the "We've Got Your Back" Backpack Event that One San Diego donors helped support.

The "We've Got Your Back" Event provided every student at Kimbrough a backpack and school supplies for the start of the 18/19 school year. Principal Baeza expressed his gratitude and shared inspiring stories of students and families who may otherwise have not been able to provide the materials for school.


Students Show Their Stuff at the County Science and Engineering Fair

The 65th Annual Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair (GSDSEF) took place March 13-17, 2019 at the Balboa Park Activity Center. Students throughout San Diego and Imperial Counties spent “judging day” sharing their student STEM research projects with industry professionals. Student exhibitors discussed their project design, experimentation, and results with three to five category specific judges. There are fourteen categories in the Senior Division (grades 9-12) and fifteen categories in the Junior Division (grades 7-8).

Categories include Animal Sciences, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering: Materials and Bioengineering, Medicine and Health, and Plant Sciences. Students also speak with STEM professional societies, organizations and companies who wish to recognize the excellence in their work.

This year San Diego Unified had nine projects in the Senior Division representing the following schools: La Jolla High, Scripps Ranch High, Serra High, and University City High. Forty-eight projects in the Junior Division were from SDUSD middle schools (De Portola, Farb, Marshall, Marston, Mt. Everest Academy, Pacific Beach, and Wangenheim). The sixth-grade showcase debuted this year at the GSDSEF with eight projects from Marston Middle.

San Diego Unified students showed their excellence beyond competing in the Fair. Morse High School’s Hungry Tiger culinary arts students catered the breakfast service for 300+ professionals who volunteered their morning to judge the Fair. In the afternoon, they catered lunch with continued professionalism to 100 judges who decide the Fair’s top winners. Judges appreciated and raved about their excellent service and food.

Eighty-nine students from the GSDSEF will move on to compete at the California State Science Fair in April. The GSDSEF is an Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) affiliate. A limited number of Senior Division Sweepstakes Award winners (highest award) will go on to compete at Intel ISEF in May in Phoenix, AZ for university scholarships, educational trips (such as the Nobel Prize ceremony) and cash awards.


Point Loma High School hosted dignitaries from Portugal to observe and celebrate our Portuguese Language Program

Point Loma is the only public school in southern California to offer Portuguese. It is the result of years of collaborating with the Portuguese Historical Society and the school district.
PLHS is proud of our history and our future work with outside agencies.
Pictured alongside some of our Portuguese language students are:
President of the Camões Instituto of Portugal: Ambassador Dr. Luís Faro Ramos, Coordinator of Portuguese Language Programs in the U.S.: João Caixinha
Portuguese Consul General in San Francisco: Dra. Maria João Lopes Cardoso,
Honorary Consul of Portugal em San Diego: Idalmiro da Rosa,
Retired SDUSD administrator and community liaison: Linette da Rosa Baptista,
Point Loma High School Principal: Hans Becker,
Board of Education Representative of the San Diego Unified School District Dr. Michael McQuary,
Portuguese classroom teacher, Point Loma High School: Ze Garcia Jr,

Authentic Work Keeps Students Engaged

Students at De Portola Middle School in Brenda Mueller’s 7th grade class are working on understanding landslides and learning how to stabilize hillsides. They first learned about the geology of the California area and discovered the location of fault lines. Tthey were not given a map of the fault lines, but rather investigated through maps that showed depth and historical information of where most likely the fault lines were located. Upon that understanding, they were shown a clip of a real landslide that happened in the Southern California area due to a train and basic geology of the area. They were then tasked to recommend how to stabilize the area. Instead of just googling the information, they were given real materials to test out their theories and create prototypes. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are encouraging teachers to be facilitators of information, rather than the gatekeepers. This work provided students the opportunity to do relevant, critical thinking.

MET Teachers Get the Last Word

“Wisdom begins in wonder,” said the philosopher Socrates, and that’s exactly what the teachers at San Diego MET High School believe too! Teachers were curious about the best ways to get their students thinking and talking critically about topics in all their subject areas. They wondered how best to set up Socratic Seminars as a discussion routine so the teachers started by practicing the skills themselves. Teachers engaged in an activity called Save the Last Word for Me discussing the concept of “daring greatly” and leading their students to do the same. Many of them said they were planning to try it in their own classroom as soon as possible. The MET teachers are excited to build a culture of student-led discussions. When student voices dominate a class, you can hear the learning happening! Great work MET teachers!

San Diego FBI Teen Academy

Applications are being accepted for the San Diego FBI Teen Academy! Current High School Sophomores and Juniors are encourage to apply. The dates for this year’s FBI Teen Academy in San Diego are June 25 and July 23.


Splash@UCSD is happening on Saturday April 20th. Splash is an annual event held by Triton Engineering Student Council (TESC) where local high school students come to UCSD to take classes in a variety of subjects taught by undergraduate and graduate students and even some faculty. Some examples of classes being offered this year include Learning Rhetoric Through The Office, Data Analysis with Mario Kart, Video Games in Research, Time Management: College Edition, and Puzzles! 
More registration information can be found at ucsd.learningu.org.

Fleet Science Camp Volunteers Needed

The Fleet Science Center has opened its camp counselor application for summer of 2019.

This year, to ease the application process, applicants can electronically select the weeks they are available. Shift assignment will be based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Camp counselors are the heart of our camps! They are mentors, role models, classroom assistants, camper drop off and pick up greeters, and more!

What are the perks to being a camp counselor? You will be volunteering with many people your age who are creative, fun, and love science! You will be a role model to the many campers who will look up to you! You will learn new responsibilities that will prepare you for jobs or college! You get a discount at the café and store! You get free Fleet tickets to share with your friends and family!

How much time do I have to volunteer? The shifts are one full week at a time. You can sign up for as many as you want. We ask that you volunteer for at least three weeks so that you get as much as you can from the experience. The shifts are half-day shifts, either starting in the morning, or the afternoon- for those of you who like to sleep in!

How do I start? Apply here- https://www.volgistics.com/ex/portal.dll/ap?ap=43324702 and start asking your teachers for two letters of recommendation. Your teachers can contact Tanja Schroeder (tschroeder@rhfleet.org) directly to provide a recommendation!

What if I don’t want to be a camp counselor? Great question! We have other opportunities to volunteer on our exhibit floor engaging our visitors! You can volunteer in a guest services-related role, helping visitors and showing them around the Fleet. You can also volunteer in a science sharing role- helping our visitors interact with the exhibits and learn! If either of these opportunities sound great, apply here: https://www.volgistics.com/ex/portal.dll/ap?AP=1776123444

Any questions? Contact Tanja Schroeder at tschroeder@rhfleet.org 
*There is an adult program too, if any of this sounds fun to you, e-mail Tanja!

For more student opportunities, please visit the Office of School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services website
Human Trafficking and Internet Safety Awareness
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Thurgood Marshall Middle School, 9700 Avenue of Nations, 92131)
Register at goo.gl/3hTG4c
Deadline for UC admitted freshmen to submit Statement of Intent to Register (SIR)
Registration Deadline for June 1st SAT Exam
US Government & Politics AP Exam
Chinese Language and Culture AP Exam
Environmental Science AP Exam
Spanish Language and Culture AP Exam
Japanese Language and Culture AP Exam
Physics 1: Algebra-Based AP Exam
National School Nurse Day
English Literature and Composition AP Exam
European History AP Exam
French Language and Culture AP Exam
CPMA Music and Movies Festival 2018
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CPMA Performing Arts Center, 5050 Conrad Ave, San Diego, CA 92117)

CPMA's annual Music and Movies festival showcases the best of the Music and Video departments! Each night is different, come see all three!
May 8: Beginning Band and Beginning Orchestra
Click Here for Tickets
Chemistry AP Exam
Spanish Literature and Culture AP Exam
Psychology AP Exam
CPMA Music and Movies Festival 2018
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CPMA Performing Arts Center, 5050 Conrad Ave, San Diego, CA 92117)

CPMA's annual Music and Movies festival showcases the best of the Music and Video departments! Each night is different, come see all three!
May 9: Intermediate Band and Intermediate Orchestra
Click Here for Tickets
AP Studio Art Portfolio Submission Deadline
US History AP Exam
Computer Science Principles AP Exam
Physics 2: Algebra-Based AP Exam
5/16/19 - Saturday 6/1/19
SCPA Presents: "Cabaret"
(Florence Johnson Grand Theatre, 2425 Dusk Dr. 92139)

Click Here For Tickets
Biology AP Exam
Physics C: Mechanics AP Exam
CPMA Music and Movies Festival 2018
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CPMA Performing Arts Center, 5050 Conrad Ave, San Diego, CA 92117)

CPMA's annual Music and Movies festival showcases the best of the Music and Video departments! Each night is different, come see all three!
May 13: Advanced Band, Advanced Orchestra
Click Here for Tickets
GATE DAC General Meeting
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (Harold J Ballard Parent Center, 2375 Congress St)
Calculus AB AP Exam
Calculus BC AP Exam
Art History AP Exam
Human Geography AP Exam
English Language and Composition AP Exam
Italian Language and Culture AP Exam
Macroeconomics AP Exam
DAC General Meeting
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (Harold J Ballard Parent Center, 2375 Congress St)
Comparative Government and Politics AP Exam
World History AP Exam
Statistics AP Exam
DELAC General Meeting
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (Harold J Ballard Parent Center, 2375 Congress St)
Microeconomics AP Exam
Music Theory AP Exam
Computer Science A AP Exam
Latin AP Exam
For a complete list of upcoming School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services events visit our on-line calendar or your school's website.

For more information about the Office of School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services please visit our website.