Tuesday, May 15, 2018

May 15, 2018

May 15, 2018

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Serra High School Students Team Up With WWII Vets for Soaring Valor Trip

A group of 22 San Diego area World War 2 veterans along with 19 students from Serra High School had the trip of a lifetime.

They headed to New Orleans to visit the National World War 2 Museum.
Each student was paired up with a WWII veteran and they will experience the museum together through the eyes of someone who experienced it firsthand.

The trip was made possible by Gary Sinise's foundation, Soaring Valor Program.
Click here to see the News 8 Story

Mira Mesa High School Leads in Nominees For Broadway San Diego Awards

Mira Mesa High Awards Nominees (L to R): Keegan Bushouer, Steven Davis, Chase Lowary
Mira Mesa High School Performing Arts Department is sending three of their talented young actors to the Broadway San Diego Awards. Twenty-eight musicals in 22 schools across San Diego County participated in the competition. According to Broadway San Diego, “The level of professionalism in these high school productions and the level of talent among these young performers in San Diego County are phenomenal. The competition was fierce!”
Mira Mesa High School landed three of the ten spots for “Best Actor” in a musical, all of whom were leads in MMHS’s spring 2018 production of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” The three Mira Mesa nominees for this award are:

  • Keegan Bushouer (senior) as Quasimodo
  • Steven Davis (senior) as Phoebus
  • Chase Lowary (junior) as Frollo
The 2018 Broadway San Diego Awards competition finale will be held on Sunday, May 27 at San Diego’s Balboa Theatre. The event will feature performances from the Best Actor/Best Actress finalists, as well as numbers from the three shows nominated for Best Musical. By the end of the evening, one male and one female champion will be selected from among the ten nominees in each of the Best Actor and Best Actress categories. The two winners will represent the 2018 Broadway San Diego Awards at the National High School Musical Theatre Awards in New York in June. 

Other San Diego Unified students who were nominated were Sky Frank (SCPA) as Mike in “A Chorus Line” as Best Actor and Genevieve Flores (Scripps Ranch High School) as Elle Woods in “Legally Blonde” as Best Actress.

Mira Mesa’s production of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” an award-winning musical based on the Victor Hugo novel with songs from the 1996 Disney film adaptation, was directed by theatre teacher Daniel Kriley. Instrumental music teacher Jeanne Christensen served as music director, with vocal direction by Jodie Harrell and choreography by MMHS alumnus Valerie Juguilon. 


Montgomery Middle School Exhibition of Student Learning

Montgomery Middle School's Next Exhibition of Student Learning will be held on May 16, 2018 from 5-7pm.

6th Grade: Celebration of Movement & Migration
7th Grade: Food-Cure or Killer?
8th Grade: Be the Solution! Activists for Change

Click here to see highlights from the first Exhibition of Student Learning. 

Taft Middle School Students Prepare for Student Led Conferences

Students practice their presentation
 with Taft teacher, Ron Montoro.
On April 25th, 2018, parents of Taft Middle School students were invited to campus to hear directly from their kid(s) about the work they have been doing. Student Led Conferences (SLCs) present the opportunity for students to reflect on their learning, including successes and challenges, and to share their learning with a meaningful audience. This process of reflection and showcasing learning is an important part of the learning process! Way to go Taft Middle in creating this great opportunity for students and families. 

For more information on SLCs, visit http://www.shareyourlearning.org/slc/

Students Take Home Awards at the County and State Science and Engineering Fairs!

The 2018 “Science Fair Season” is coming to a close. This year, 51 middle and high school students from San Diego Unified participated in the 64th Annual Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair (GSDSEF) in mid-March. The GSDSEF brings together professionals in the scientific, medical and engineering community to speak with and judge students in grades 7-12 in San Diego and Imperial counties. Professional societies and organizations in science, technology, engineering and math also judge to recognize and award students. Approximately 600 students participated in the annual fair held at the Balboa Park Activity Center. Awards include scholarships, trips, opportunities to present to professional organizations and more! San Diego Unified Students garnered a total of 88 awards at this year’s county science and engineering fair including place awards, professional society awards, special awards and one of the top awards!

After competing in the GSDSEF, 89 students can qualify to advance to the California Science and Engineering Fair (CSEF) in late April. Ten SDUSD students qualified for the CSEF and five students were named as alternates. While at CSEF, Waleed Randhawa (Electronics and Electromagnetics) and Blake Scurry (Aerodynamics/Hydrodynamics), both from Marshall Middle School, were awarded Honorable Mentions.

Additionally, 60 junior division (grades 7 and 8) students are eligible for the Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied Science, Technology and Engineering for Rising Stars). It is the premier science and engineering competition for middle school students. Eight students from our middle schools have qualified! After submitting the online application, 300 top projects are selected and 30 finalists present their research projects and compete in team hands-on STEM challenges to demonstrate their skills in critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity. Students must complete and submit their online application and parental/guardian permission form by the June 13, 2018 deadline to officially enter the national competition.

The Greater San Diego Science and Engineering fair is an affiliate of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). On May 13-18 four GSDSEF students will be among the approximately 1,800 high school students from more than 75 countries, regions, and territories to compete in Pittsburgh and are awarded the opportunity to showcase their independent research and compete for on average $4 million in prizes.

Congratulations to all our students!  Click here for the complete awards list.


Explore, Learn, Create

What happens when you blur the lines between art and math? Ask MIT professors Eric and Marty Demaine and you will find that you use complex calculus and geometry to create beautiful pieces. Give them the chance to interact with and inspire high school students, and your possibilities are endless. Did you know you can create literally any shape from a piece of paper by folding it flat and making one single cut? Now, Kearny High School students do! 
In their experiences in the E2E lab, they saw this “magic” or MATH trick performed before they tried it themselves. Students created swans, stars, turtles, and butterflies with one straight-line cut. But the fun didn’t stop there, they also created pop-art, curved creases, and hyperbolic paraboloids. Students even experimented with combining multiple hyperbolic paraboloids to create inventive shapes.
 All of this work was inspired by the Demaines who were in San Diego this week hosting an international initiative that used webcams to stream to the other sites. As Kearny students watched the live feeds at an architecture school in Tijuana and the Humanities building at USD, they interacted with USD students in the E2E lab and most importantly gained a better understanding of math principles involved with making some pretty amazing art. Thank you to USD for partnering with us on this international series of events! Who says math can’t be fun?!

Hoover’s Student Action Plan Committee Plans “Your Vote is Your Voice”

Hoover’s Student Action Plan Committee planned a “Your Vote Is Your Voice” event on Friday, April 20, 2018. Students had the opportunity to register to vote and write letters to their local representatives. Students engaged in peaceful conversations with local community groups. Hoover students were thrilled to have the opportunity to voice their opinions and have the opportunity to vote in upcoming elections.

FC Barcelona Continues to Teach Students Soccer the Barca Way

On Tuesday, October 24, 2017, the Board of Education approved an agreement with FC Barcelona, via FCB Escola San Diego, to provide free school visits and soccer clinics to San Diego Unified School District students. As a part of this partnership, they have hosted, and continue to host, several free clinics for our students. Areas 1 & 5 had the most recent opportunity to take advantage of this agreement. The free clinic was held for Area 1 & 5 students ages 6-16 at San Diego High School on Sunday, May 6, 2018.

Parents…do you know what the LCAP is?

The LCAP is a critical part of the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Each school district must engage parents, educators, employees and the community to establish these plans. The plans will describe the school district’s overall vision for students, annual goals and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and goals. The LCAPs must focus on eight areas identified as state priorities. The plans will also demonstrate how the district’s budget will help achieve the goals, and assess each year how well the strategies in the plan were able to improve outcomes.

What are the eight state priority areas that must be addressed in the plans? There are eight areas for which school districts, with parent and community input, must establish goals and actions. This must be done both district-wide and for each school.

The areas are:

1. Providing all students access to fully credentialed teachers, instructional materials that align with state standards, and safe facilities.

2. Implementation of California’s academic standards, including the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math, Next Generation Science Standards, English language development, history social science, visual and performing arts, health education and physical education standards.

3. Parent involvement and participation, so the local community is engaged in the decision-making process and the educational programs of students.

4. Improving student achievement and outcomes along multiple measures, including test scores, English proficiency and college and career preparedness.

5. Supporting student engagement, including whether students attend school or are chronically absent.

6. Highlighting school climate and connectedness through a variety of factors, such as suspension and expulsion rates and other locally identified means.

7. Ensuring all students have access to classes that prepare them for college and careers, regardless of what school they attend or where they live.

8. Measuring other important student outcomes related to required areas of study, including physical education and the arts.

*In addition to these eight areas, a district may also identify and incorporate in its plan goals related to its own local priorities.

What is a Local Control and Accountability Plan (watch video):

Featuring Director, LCAP Nancy Sedgwick


Information on LCAP (link):




2018 Summer School Programs

Please Note: There are no first-time credit courses offered in summer school.There will not be any summer school program for general education students in elementary or middle school.

General Education High School - June 18, 2018 – July 27, 2018. There is one session for students in grades 9-12 who need to make up D and F grades in core courses (Credit Recovery).  
Host Site
Clairemont High School @ CPMA
7:20 am - 11:40 am
7:30 am - 11:50 am
Lincoln High School
7:25 am - 11:45 am
Crawford High School
7:15 am - 11:35 am
Henry High School
7:30 am - 11:50 am
Mira Mesa High School
7:30 am - 11:50 am
Morse High School
7:25 am - 11:45 am
Special Education
  • Elementary - July 23 – August 17, 2018 - There is one session for Special Education Students with extended school year (ESY) eligibility on their IEP.
    Host Site
    Chollas Mead
    Oak Park

  • Middle School - July 23 – August 17, 2018 - There is one session for Special Education Students with extended school year (ESY) eligibility on their IEP.
    Host Site

  • High School - July 23 – August 17, 2018 - There is one session for Special Education Students with extended school year (ESY) eligibility on their IEP.
    Host Site
    Clairemont High School @ CPMA
    7:20 am - 11:40 am
    7:30 am - 11:50 am
    Lincoln High School
    7:25 am - 11:45 am
    Crawford High School
    7:15 am - 11:35 am
    Henry High School
    7:30 am - 11:50 am
    Mira Mesa High School
    7:30 am - 11:50 am
    Morse High School 7:25 am - 11:45 am

Specialized Programs -  Dates Vary - ESY (Extended School Year for Students with ESY eligibility on their IEP).
  • Host Site
    Dates Offered
    Infant ESY
    June 18 - July 13
    8:15 am - 12:35 pm
    9-12 ESY
    June 18- July 27
    8:30 am - 1:30 pm
    New Dawn
    9-12 ESY
    June 18 - July 27
    8:30 am - 1:30 pm
    K-8 ESY
    June 18 - July 13
    8:40 am - 1:00 pm
    K-12 ESY
    June 18 - July 13
    9:00 am - 1:20 pm
Transportation will not be provided for general education students. 
ESY (Extended School Year for Students with ESY eligibility on their IEP) will be transported to the closest Host site to their school of residence and will be supported through Special Education funds.)
General Education Summer School
Lisa Sheldon
Special Education and Specialized Programs Summer School
Lisa Dryer
Naomi Lewis

A FREE Maritime Alliance Summer Immersion Program in BlueTECH for Students Exiting the 10th Grade

Do you know a current 10th grade student who might be interested in learning more about BlueTECH - sustainable, science-based ocean and water related industries? The Maritime Alliance is hosting a new summer immersion program for interested students to introduce students to some of the various careers and opportunities in this field. Click here to register.

UC San Diego Academic Connections

Summer (July 8–28, 2018)
Academic Connections provides an opportunity for high school students with a 3.3 (or above) weighted cumulative GPA to get a jump start on the college experience. We invite students to explore the best UCSD has to offer. In Session I, students choose one of approximately 25, three-week courses offered. Classes meet five hours a day, with a maximum of 22 students per class, to ensure quality interaction with instructors and instructional assistants. Academic Connections instructors are typically UCSD doctoral students who design and instruct the course. This engaging combination brings freshness and excitement to the classes.

A large part of the college experience for students is living on campus in the residence hall, which enables them to see first hand what it is like living on a college campus. As a residential student, the student has many opportunities to participate in activities in the afternoon, early evening and weekends. These activities include sports, arts and crafts, music, dances, talent shows and more. Participants are enabled to take advantage of the resources the beautiful UCSD campus has to offer. The resident halls are staffed with an experienced and trained Resident Dean, Assistant Resident Dean, office staff and residential assistants who provide supervision 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.

Some Advantages of Attending UCSD Academic Connections

  • College-level academic, residential and extracurricular activities
  • Exposure and access to state-of-the-art courses, technology, and facilities
  • Earn college prep units and recognition for program participation on college admission applications
  • Study with other like-minded academic students from all over the country and the world
  • SAT preparation

Important Dates

  • Application deadline June 15, 2018 (or until course is full)
  • Student Notification - within five working days after receipt of required documentation

The Watersports Camp

The Watersports Camp is San Diego’s premier summer camp! Fun and educational camps are held at Associated Students of SDSUand UCSD Recreation’s Mission Bay Aquatic Center and is sponsored by the YMCA of San Diego County. Camps run Monday through Friday in week-long full-day and half-day sessions. The focus is on creating high-quality camp experiences in a safe, fun, and enriching environment!

Click here to register.


If you want to learn more about the grade 3-12 camps and workshops at the San Diego Supercomputer Center this summer we have it all for you. Download a complete workshop list, information for younger students programs or information about UCSD's amazing skateboard creation workshop, it is all in one place for your convenience.
Please visit http://education.sdsc.edu/studenttech/ .
AP English Language and Composition Exam
AP Italian Language and Culture Exam
AP Macroeconomics Exam
AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam
AP World History Exam
AP Statistics Exam
AP Human Geography Exam
AP Microeconomics Exam
AP European History Exam
AP Latin Exam
City Heights Roundtable
8:30-10:00 AM (Copley-Price Family YMCA, 4300 El Cajon Blvd)

City Heights Roundtable, made up of representatives from organizations and schools to provide an opportunity for ideas, communication, coordination, advocacy, and networking that support the students and families living and attending schools within the City Heights community.
Council of ASB Presidents Meeting
3:00 PM (Ed Center Room 2249)
Golden Hill USS Midway Excursion
Click Here for More Information
CCTE Showcase
4:00-6:30 PM (Liberty Station Conference Center, 2600 Laning Rd)
San Diego Military Collaborative
10:00 AM - Noon (2133 Fenton Pkwy, San Diego, CA 92108)

Join us every month as we discuss a current trend affecting military families in San Diego and network with representatives from over 100 organizations!
Memorial Day - No School
For a complete list of upcoming Secondary Schools events visit our on-line calendar or your school's website.

For more information about the Office of Secondary Schools please visit our website at sandi.net/oss