Tuesday, November 13, 2018

November 13, 2018

November 13, 2018


Pauline M. Foster Engineering Design Center

On Friday, November 9th, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held to name the new Kearny EID Engineering building in honor of Pauline M. Foster.

Jarod Grey, a senior at the Stanley M. Foster School of Engineering, Innovation and Design made the following speech at the ceremony.

"Pauline M. Foster, who was born in San Diego in 1934, was a prominent philanthropist and community member who passed away in 2016. In her lifetime, she donated millions of dollars to a variety of local institutions, including The Stanley E. Foster School of Engineering, Innovation and Design. Her generous monetary endowment began in 2001 and continues today through ongoing financial support overseen by her family. Over almost two decades, Mrs. Foster has touched the lives of thousands of Kearny High students by providing state-of-the-art engineering supplies, tools and machinery, as well as the development of industry partnerships and an advisory board. Without these contributions, the well-renowned EID program at Kearny with its fully articulated engineering pathway with SDSU, extracurricular robotics program and college and career training would struggle to exist. In my own experience, I came to Kearny EID with very little knowledge of engineering. Through connections with professionals from the San Diego community, hands-on learning with state-of-the-art equipment, and other experiences supported through the generosity of Mrs. Foster, I am now about to graduate with a knowledge of engineering and a passion to pursue it as a career once I complete my degree from San Diego State University. I will always be grateful to Pauline M. Foster and the Foster family for their generosity. Thank You."

SDUSD Students Participate in the 1st Annual Latino College Expo

San Diego Unified School District students had the opportunity to participate in the 1st Annual Latino College Expo, hosted on November 8, 2018 at Southwestern College by the National College Resources Foundation. Students from Henry, Hoover, Kearny, Lincoln, Mission Bay, Morse, Point Loma, San Diego, Serra and University City high schools got to participate in this free event that provided students with information on scholarship opportunities and seminar topics that supported higher education and their positive post-secondary pursuits (National College Resources Foundation). The expo included seminar and workshop sessions to help students navigate different aspects of higher education institutions. Our Counseling and Guidance partners, WAHUPA Upward Bound (http://www.wahupa.org), transported students from Kearny and Lincoln High School to attend the evening event.

UC High’s Biomedical Program working with Illumina

The Biomedical Innovations classes at UC High are piloting a whole genome sequencing lab series with Illumina using their brand new iSeq sequencer. The classes determined which salad ingredient from ready-made salads was contaminated with Shiga toxin producing E.coli O157 (STEC), the main contaminant in many of the recent food borne illness outbreaks such as contaminated spinach and romaine lettuce. The surface of each salad ingredient was swabbed to gather DNA, DNA libraries were prepared for analysis in the sequencer, and the samples were sequenced in order to determine the sample contaminated with STEC. Jessica Bosch, UC’s instructor, worked with Illumina over the summer to design the lab series for eventual roll-out to high schools.

Dare to Dream College: The African Experience at UCSD - Counseling & Guidance

Over four hundred students attended UCSD for a full day event, hosted by Cal SOAP and others, to inspire the next generation of leaders. Students and parents participated in hands-on workshops, class lectures, laboratory visits, campus tours and interacted with UCSD faculty and undergraduates. One Crawford Colt student remarked to her counselor on Saturday, "I can see myself walking on this campus in a couple years, like, I really believe it now". The Dare to Dream College: African Experience has given hundreds of students the courage to pursue their college dreams. The Counseling & Guidance department is proud to have dedicated counselors providing opportunities for students to experience life beyond the classroom.

Children and Youth in Transition

The Children and Youth in Transition department conducted a Needs Assessment for four High Schools including San Diego High, Hoover High, Morse High and Lincoln High. The students that participated in the assessment are in transition; experiencing or have experienced homelessness or are in the foster care system. Over the last month they have assessed a total of 516 students and continue to conduct assessments in order to identify what the students needs are and appropriately connect them with resources at their school, community or within the Children and Youth in Transition department. The staff has linked students with resources including school supplies, mental health referrals, bus passes, etc. in order to support student success.

Students Lead This Year's First Student Equity Coalition

Student representatives from the district’s schools, Student Equity Ambassador group, GSA Collaborative, Council of ASB Presidents, Wellness Ambassadors, Clubs and Athletic Programs led this year's first Student Equity Coalition. The students prepared the agenda, selected the topics and began discussions about the things that are important to them as students. Parents, staff, community members and partners joined the students for the event and were incredibly insightful and resourceful. We hope you can join the students for the next Student Equity Coalition scheduled on Thursday, December 13, 2018 from 5-6:30pm at Patrick Henry High School.

Artful Teaching Practices

The English classrooms at Montgomery Middle Steam Magnet are teeming with students making connections between academics and creativity. In Aimee Welshan’s 8th grade classroom, students have just completed an identity unit in which they analyzed a variety of texts, wrote analytical paragraphs, and created a papel picado (perforated paper) representing symbols and colors that reflect their identity. Similarly, students in Patrick Meehan’s 7th grade classroom have just finished reading Touching Spirit Bear and are now working in the makerspace to design literal and symbolic representations of thematic ideas from the text which will be accompanied by an artistic statement that justifies their design decisions. This creativity is also reflected in Susan Corrigan’s 6th grade classroom where students are just finishing writing a claim-based analytical paragraph about themselves using the I Am poem they composed for their Student Led Conferences. These are just a few examples of powerful ways students are making creative connections to their academics in everyday learning. Way to go, Montgomery teachers!

SDUSD Representation at SDCUE Tech Fair

Kudos to the San Diego Unified School District educators that represented our district on November 3rd at the 35th annual SDCUE Tech Fair in Chula Vista. SDCUE consistently inspires, excites and challenges participants to up their game as educators. The tech fair had a variety of presentations that included the most up-to-date technology integration strategies and topics such as Design Thinking, Project Based Learning, and Next Generation Science Standards. 
The day was jump started by Julie Garcia, Instructional Technology Program Manager, and Lauren Leathers, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, who shared 12 tools in 45 minutes in an exciting Tech Tool Smackdown. John Keast, teacher at Mission Bay High School and Claudja Van Orden, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, presented Plug In! Screen-centric FTW (for the win) introducing digital literacy sites like Commonlit.org and Newsela and highlighting formative assessment tools. John Jacobs, teacher at Scripps Ranch High School, had a session on Showcasing Student Work using Google Sites that walked participants through innovative tasks students can experience using Google Sites. Jen Roberts, author and teacher from Point Loma High School, had two packed sessions, 25 Tips, Tools and Strategies for your 1:1 Classroom and The Forms Awaken: Google Forms Will Be With You.
Finally, it was nice to see so many SDUSD teachers and administrators who spent their Saturday growing professionally and getting ideas to help prepare their students for the society of tomorrow.

New Mural Bolsters Community @ Curie

Color and love was brought to the kindergarten yard at Curie Elementary. Transitional kindergarten (TK) teacher, Mrs. Gingras, had long wanted to have vibrancy in the kindergarten area. The mural design, created by a former K parent whose youngest is now in TK, visited her classroom for a year. At the beginning of this school year, she shared with parents her goal and organized the effort of getting it done. All the items (paints, brushes, drop clothes, etc.) were donated by the TK (transitional kindergarten) and K3 parents. Murals were painted by parents, grandparents and a teacher who volunteered their weekends to bring the idea to life.

Principal Marshall calls it “Instant Joy!” It’s hard not to see the joy and excitement on the faces of the kids and adults who enter the yard.

Mrs. Gingras said, “It’s been inspiring to see so manypeople come together to make these murals happen. The kids have been so excited be a part of the process and I’ve loved hearing them talk about it so proudly during recess. Through this project we have not only beautified the kindergarten playground, but built a sense community, and shown our kids that we value both them and their education.”

Amazon to Support Computer Science Education for Teachers and Students - Including Scholarships for High School Seniors!

Amazon knows that it’s important for students to learn about computer science. It’s an important skill for today’s student to learn and needed to fill their future talent pipeline. They just launched an initiative with the goal of teaching more than 10 million students a year to code. Amazon will pay for summer camps, teacher training and other programs to provide opportunities for kids and young adults a chance to learn to code. It hopes to increase participation with underrepresented groups including females in computer science.

The program is called Amazon Future Engineer. It will offer free summer camps for kids in kindergarten through eighth grade as well as after-school programs in Amazon offices around the country. Volunteers will include Amazon employees. Online classes, lessons and games will be provided by Amazon's partners, such as Code.org and Coding with Kids.

Amazon’s Chief Executive of Worldwide Consumer, Jeff Wilke, hopes some of the students who go through the Amazon Future Engineer program will work for the company, creating skills for its Alexa voice assistant or programming its delivery drones. But he said other companies are increasingly relying on technology, and coding has become a valuable skill to more employers.

"We're pretty confident that knowing how to code will be as important as knowing how to read for the jobs of the future," Wilke said.

Amazon also plans to pay for online training for teachers at 2,000 low-income high schools around the country to teach introductory and college-level advanced placement computer science classes. Additionally, it will offer college students scholarships and internships. For example, $10,000 scholarships for high school seniors interested in pursuing computer science are now open to accept applications. See Student Opportunities later in this newsletter. Schools, teachers and parents will be able to apply through AmazonFutureEngineer.com.

Visit their website (www.AmazonFutureEngineer.com) today to learn more!

Kindergarten Engineers at Chesterton Elementary

Kindergarten teachers at Chesterton Elementary School in Linda Vista are focusing on STEAM this year. All Kindergarten teachers are part of the SDUSD STEAM Initiative. They are attending monthly trainings in NGSS, STEAM and Project Lead The Way (PLTW). Kindergarten students at Chesterton have officially completed their first STEAM projects of the year. The students engineered and designed beanstalks that would support a golden egg, connecting literacy with the NGSS Cross Cutting Concepts of structure and function! Even the school mascot approved of the great engineering work!

Miramar Ranch - Energetic Engineering

Fourth grade students at Miramar Ranch are learning all about energy, everything from energy sources to energy transfer. They are also making a personal connection, understanding that energy is all around us. “We have energy from the sun, energy in our bodies and we use energy when we ride our skateboards or build robots”. 4th grade teachers at Miramar Ranch are currently guiding their students through a PLTW energy unit that uses technology and engineering to help students design robotic vehicles! The vehicles will also have a student designed restraining system, helping improve safety in a variety of inventions such as bumper cars and a rollercoaster! Students work in teams to design models and then test using eggs. Students then make adjustments and improvements based upon the result! Miramar Ranch Elementary School is bringing STEAM into full focus for their students this year!

Bell Welcomes Future Trojans!

Beginning last week on October 30, the entire Bell MS community welcomed 5th grade students from all of the cluster elementary schools (Boone, Freese, Pacific View Leadership, Paradise Hills, Penn, Perry, and Zamorano), hosting 1-2 schools at a time over several days. For each visit, the WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) students led small groups of 5th graders in camp-like games, school tours, and classroom visits. The Advanced Band and Advanced Orchestra performed a couple of sophisticated pieces each, wowing the crowds. Visits also included a personal welcome from the principal, Precious Jackson-Hubbard, and a presentation about class scheduling from the counselors. These visits provided an opporunity for the teachers, chaperones, and students from cluster elementary schools to see the beautiful, recently modernized and landscaped, campus and feel the pride Bell students have for their school.

Powerful Persuasion!

Why do we suddenly have a craving for pizza after seeing a Domino’s commercial? Why do certain life insurance commercials cause us to re-evaluate our lives and switch providers? And why do those images of hungry dogs and cats cause us to dig for our wallets? English students at Serra High School know why! They have been looking at ethos, pathos, and logos in advertisements to improve their writing. Persuasive techniques in advertising are powerful and students are able to make claims about the credibility, emotional appeal, or logic that persuades a targeted audience. By understanding these persuasive techniques we can make more informed decisions and get others to do the same.

Can We Build this Bridge?

Students in Integrated Math 2 at Mission Bay High School were challenged with an important task last week: “Can a suspension bridge be built that will meet California’s earthquake requirements?” Students researched the current requirements from the Army Corps of Engineers and then applied that knowledge to examine current bridge proposals being considered by the US Forest Service. Students had to use quadratics to determine whether the bridges they presented would meet these requirements. Students developed a written report that could be sent to the US Forest Service. These Buccaneers were engineers for a day!

6th Annual Fiddle Festival Concert

Creative, Performing, Media Arts (CPMA)
5050 Conrad Avenue, 92117
Friday, November 16, 2018
Concert 7:00pm
Fifty three violin, viola, and cello students from eleven elementary schools, ten middle/K8 schools and six high schools will all come together this Friday night, November 16th to perform at the district’s 6th annual “Fiddle Festival.” The concert is sponsored by the Visual & Performing Arts department and will be held at the performing arts center at the Creative, Performing Media Arts School beginning at 7:00pm.
Music teachers Steven Luchs and Brianna Valeska along with other VAPA elementary music teachers have engaged these highly motivated students in weekly rehearsals leading up to the concert.  Both Luchs and Valeska have a wealth of experience teaching the art of playing the violin and are excited to be preparing these fine young fiddlers for the show.
Appearing midway through the concert will be a special guest student performance by the well-known “Gypsy Jazz Quartet.”  This impressive group of students from Mission Bay High School will perform a variety of traditional show tunes.  Gypsy Jazz Quartet is under the musical direction of Mission Bay music teacher, JeanPaul (JP) Balmat, and has been featured at numerous school and community events all throughout the district.
Schools participating in the 6th annual Fiddle Festival are: Bird Rock Elementary, Challenger Middle School, Creative, Performing & Media Arts, Crown Point Jr. Music Academy, De Portola Middle School, Dingeman Elementary, Doyle Elementary, EB Scripps Elementary, Ericson Elementary, Fay Elementary, Grant K8, Hickman Elementary, High Tech High Media Arts, Knox Middle School, Lewis Middle School, Marston Middle School, Mason Elementary, Morse High School, Mt. Everest Academy, Muirlands Middle School, Pacific Beach Middle School, Sandburg Elementary, Scripps Ranch High School, San Diego High School, Silver Gate Elementary, Standley Middle School, and University City High School.

What is the Common App?

The Common Application, which is also more informally referred to as the Common App, is an advanced college application that is used to help prospective college students apply to multiple institutions at once. While you cannot apply to every single accredited institution by using this single online application, you can apply to a large number of undergraduate programs all across the world.
Visit: https://www.commonapp.org/ for more information

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's R2L NextGen Program

Are you a high school student who wants to learn about how government works?

Apply now to CHCI’s R2L NextGen program and take advantage of an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C.

R2L® NextGen is a week-long leadership and civic engagement program for current high school sophomores and juniors. CHCI will bring a group of Latino high school students to D.C. to learn about how the Federal Government works, meet key leaders, visit historic sites and develop a deeper understanding of how they can affect positive change in their communities and their nation.

CHCI is excited to announce that we will be hosting two classes of R2L NextGen participants in 2019.

The program is completely FREE of charge to all selected student participants.

January 15, 2019 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time

San Diego County students will participate in the program during the week of July 15-20, 2019.

In order to be eligible to apply, students must:

  • Reside in San Diego County
  • Be a current 10th or 11th grade student
  • Demonstrate interest in learning more about civic engagement

While CHCI does require applicants to share their grades and a copy of their transcript, there is no minimum GPA requirement to apply.

All individuals are welcome to apply. However, preference is given to individuals with financial need.

Interested in applying? Visit apply.chci.org and complete the application named R2L NextGen – San Diego, California

Minefaire, an Official Minecraft Community Event

Minefaire is coming to the San Diego Convention Center on Saturday, January 5th & Sunday, January 6th and they would love to invite students to participate at no charge under our Minefaire Agents Program!

As Minefaire Agents, students will have an opportunity to help out as volunteers, gaining a behind-the-scenes look at what is involved in producing such a massive event. They will also have an opportunity to experience the latest in video game tech, virtual reality, and meet celebrity Youtube personalities.

In addition, each student Agent will receive the following:
  • FREE Admission to the event (when they are not volunteering, they will be able to enjoy the event)
  • Volunteer/Community Service hours 
  • Official Minefaire Agent t-shirt, badge/lanyard, an exclusive pin
  • Catered lunch provided
  • & up to 50% off all Minefaire merchandise
The Agents positions are filling up quickly, so urge your students to apply ASAP!

Here is a quick link  students may use to sign-up to be Minefaire Agents:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-rRVawSpfZOr9a6UtFI7NdodtmOzOH9cH025KLxSJ91mOkA/viewform

Official website for Minefaire: http://minefaire.com/

AVID Night @ Knott's Berry Farm!

AVID Night at Knott’s Berry Farm
4:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M.
$34 – Early Bird through 12/14/18
$37 – After 12/14/18 through 2/22/19
$40 – At the gate the night of the event 

Join AVID students from Southern California for this special student event. The park will be available to AVID students and the general public from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. and open exclusively for AVID students from 10:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Students should talk with their AVID teacher about how to sign-up.

United Technologies STEM U Mentoring

See how a STEM mentor can help you achieve your dreams — college and beyond.

Apply today to be paired with an online STEM mentor for guidance on everything from college apps to career tips.

What you get from this one-on-one mentorship program:

Free, online coaching
No need to meet in person. You can touch base with your mentor from anywhere in the world.

Guidance on college applications
Navigating the college application process can be hard. Let someone who has been there show you the (right) way from the start.

Leg-up in your career
93% of self-made millionaires attributed their wealth to having a mentor. Get the guidance you need to succeed in the future.

A global network of peers

You have the chance to meet an awesome group of peers and STEM professionals who are as passionate about STEM as you are.
Click here for more information. 

Freemont Foundation Scholarship

Applications are now being accepted for the Freemont Foundation Scholarship Program.

The James M. & Erma T. Freemont Foundation will award thousands of dollars in scholarships for the 2019-20 academic year to students with a record of leadership and volunteerism in the community and participation in extracurricular school activities.

The deadline is January 18, 2019.

Interested students may receive complete details and apply for the Freemont Foundation Scholarship Program by visiting  FreemontFoundation.com/scholarships.

Please feel free to contact us at info@FreemontFoundation.com.

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Program

Amazon Corporate LLC has established a scholarship program to assist high school seniors who are taking or have completed an advanced placement computer science course and who plan to continue their education at an accredited four-year college or university majoring in computer science, software engineering, computer engineering or other computer related field of study.

The 2019 program will be accepting applications from November 1, 2018 through January 15, 2019. Thanks for your interest in the program!

The program is administered by Scholarship America®, the nation's largest designer and manager of scholarship, tuition assistance, and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations, and individuals. Awards are granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability, or national origin.

Contact Us:
Email: amazonfutureengineer@scholarshipamerica.org
Phone: 1-507-931-1682 and ask for the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Program


Attention Middle School Students, Your School is Invited to Participate in this Year's Cross Country Intramural Meet

If you are interested, talk to your school about signing up to participate.

DATE: Wednesday, November 28, 2018

PLACE: Morley Field Sports Complex (near the baseball field), 2221 Morley Field Dr., San Diego, CA 92101

TIME: 3:30 PM race start

EVENTS: 2 MILE BOYS & GIRLS RACE. Course is a mix of grass, dirt and trail running and will be marked with cones. A professional will run ahead to guide the leaders, and official times will be recorded.

AWARD PRESENTATIONS: Will take place after all runners have completed the race. Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for boys and girls in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade.

Parents and friends are encouraged to come out and cheer on the athletes. We hope to see everyone there!

For questions about the event, please contact Coach Patrice Shumaker at pshumaker@sandi.net.

SD Police Department Cadet Program

The Cadet Program is a voluntary, non-enforcement entry level position with the San Diego Police Department for people ages 16-21. After a six-session academy, Cadets may choose to go on ride-alongs, assist with security and traffic control, work undercover and much more.

The Cadet Program provides great law enforcement experience, and therefore is very beneficial to those interested in a career in law enforcement. Cadets receive continuous law enforcement training, develop individual potential, and meet others their age with similar interests.

The Cadet Program is always interested in responsible, honest, and hard working youths.

Click here for more information.
For more student opportunities, please visit the Office of School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services website
2019-20 School Choice Application Window Closes
Logan K-8 Sea World Ocean Link Lab Experience
Click Here for More Information
Bell USS Midway Excursion
Click Here for More Information
Grant K-8 Sea World Ocean Link Lab Experience
Click Here for More Information
CPMA Shakespeare Festival 2018: A Midsummer Night's Dream
(CPMA Performing Arts Center, 5050 Conrad Ave 92117)

A Midsummer Night's Dream (adaptation). This comedy by William Shakespeare involves the events leading up to the marriage of Theseus, the Duke of Athens, to Hippolyta, the former queen of the Amazons. Young lovers, a troupe of six amateur actors, who are controlled by forest fairies make this story fun and magical.
Click Here for Tickets
DELAC General Meeting
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (Ballard Center- 2375 Congress St)
Great American Smoke-Out
& Tuesday
College/FAFSA/ Dream Act Application Workshop
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Lincoln High School, 4777 Imperial Ave)
Universal Children's Day

United Nations Universal Children’s Day was established in 1954 and is celebrated on November 20th each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare.
National Hispanic College Fair
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM (USD- Hahn Center)
UC Fall 2019 Admission Application Filing Period Closes
- Saturday

& Friday
- Saturday
SDSCPA Presents: "The Crucible"
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Ole Kittleson Little Theater)
Click here for more information
For a complete list of upcoming School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services events visit our on-line calendar or your school's website.

For more information about the Office of School Innovation & Integrated Youth Services please visit our website.